Today was awesome. The day started out with work of course then me and my friends decided to go to the outlets and shop. We went to the Okinawa outlet mall. It had all the finest tastes out there. The first store we see is the Gucci store. My friend warned me that as soon as I walked in the prices would make me walk right back out. She wasn't lying! The first bag I saw was $1000!!! I was like ok Ima buy the smallest thing so that at least I can say I bought something Gucci but a keychain was $150!!!
It was fun however to be in the store and act like I was rich lol. Most of the stores out there were like this! I finally find a Reebok store and an Adidas store and was happy. I finally just bought a $30 designer shirt. I can't wait for the day when God blesses me to the point where I can buy whatever I want. I just sometimes think even if I had that money would I waste it on the most expensive bags or would I use it for His will. Sometimes these things can be so enticing but we must know that our real treasures are in Heaven and are far better then Gucci bags that I can't take with me when I pass. Store your treasures in Heaven where rust nor moths can destroy. Gucci is nice but store your treasures properly in Heaven. Be happy with what you got.

Feb 17, 2011
Feb 13, 2011
God, My Valentine
Happy Valentines Day I guess,
So I just got into a heated discussion about why people don't celebrate valentines day. Ok it was me and my boyfriend arguing on why he doesn't celebrate it. His arguement, why spend one day to show someone you care. My arguement, you never show me on a daily basis that you care anyways!!! You say it all the time but action speaks louder then words! I am so upset right now and fighting back tears, after all I've been crying for like 1 hour already. He's on this SF assignment so I don't see him except to go to bed at night and when he wakes up at the crack of dawn to go to SF. So all week I don't see him and today is his only day off and we argue. I figure today we could celebrate Vday which brought up the discussion, after all he will be in the field for 3 days and not coming home-to include Vday! I was totally let down. I feel like he didn't miss me while he was gone, which he admits, and on top of that he thinks Vday is stupid so I don't get my Vday!
The question I ask now is why do we put so much importance on Vday anyways? It was tradition with me and my family, we celebrate all holidays. Is it because we get gifts and are told we are loved on that day. God once again being the wonderful Father he is shined a light on me. For one, why am I seeking love in man. Man's love is conditional, God's love is unconditional. I'm looking for something that is right in front of my face! I want reassurance from my boyfriend that he loves me and he says he does but really where are the actions. So I figured that valentines would be the perfect time for that, and he DOESN'T EVEN CELEBRATE IT!!
God told me he can solve both my problems in one breath. 1. My daughter I will be your valentine. 2. I will always love you inspite of your mistakes, you'll never have to question that!
I love the Lord and will always put him first. Man has NOTHING on God and never will! <3
So I just got into a heated discussion about why people don't celebrate valentines day. Ok it was me and my boyfriend arguing on why he doesn't celebrate it. His arguement, why spend one day to show someone you care. My arguement, you never show me on a daily basis that you care anyways!!! You say it all the time but action speaks louder then words! I am so upset right now and fighting back tears, after all I've been crying for like 1 hour already. He's on this SF assignment so I don't see him except to go to bed at night and when he wakes up at the crack of dawn to go to SF. So all week I don't see him and today is his only day off and we argue. I figure today we could celebrate Vday which brought up the discussion, after all he will be in the field for 3 days and not coming home-to include Vday! I was totally let down. I feel like he didn't miss me while he was gone, which he admits, and on top of that he thinks Vday is stupid so I don't get my Vday!
The question I ask now is why do we put so much importance on Vday anyways? It was tradition with me and my family, we celebrate all holidays. Is it because we get gifts and are told we are loved on that day. God once again being the wonderful Father he is shined a light on me. For one, why am I seeking love in man. Man's love is conditional, God's love is unconditional. I'm looking for something that is right in front of my face! I want reassurance from my boyfriend that he loves me and he says he does but really where are the actions. So I figured that valentines would be the perfect time for that, and he DOESN'T EVEN CELEBRATE IT!!
God told me he can solve both my problems in one breath. 1. My daughter I will be your valentine. 2. I will always love you inspite of your mistakes, you'll never have to question that!
I love the Lord and will always put him first. Man has NOTHING on God and never will! <3
Feb 12, 2011
My dream and God's Salvation
We did a Bible study in the barracks and my lil Sis Brittany talked on Salvation. Well last night I had a horrible dream about my boyfriend and I, seems off topic but bare with me. Me and my O so wonderful boyfriend were dating and were they happiest of people. Well one day I decided to go out with the girls and drink. I went out with them but didn't enjoy it at all so I went home to my man. As I walked in the door he was packing his things. He found out about some things that I had been doing, not cheating but was mistaken as that. He said it was over. In my dream I was horrified!!! I begged and asked why but he wasn't bugging it was over and that was it. He walks out the door and I feel an incredible sadness. The next day he comes and knocks on my door and asks what I'm doing today, I was ecstatic thinking everything was ok. I asked and he said no we are just friends. I was like no I can't be your friend, like the old Deborah Cox song says we can't be friends cause I'm still in love with youuuu. ::Singing:: He continued to insist that that was all we were going to be. He continued to say that I didn't build a relationship with him cause all I did was go out. He said all I wanted was the title relationship. END DREAM HERE Well I woke up to his kiss and telling me goodbye (he had to work today) but boy was I pissed and sad at the same time. You know how you feel your dreams when you wake up :).
I was like ok God what was that about? I took from it that God Salvation is free but like the Bible says you just saying that Jesus died on the cross and accepting Christ and the truth is NOT enough. It's like you just did it to get to Heaven but you must know God and obey his Word! God had a part in it and we have a part in it. Think on this God's part: Grace and Mercy, Jesus death at the cross, Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and God's Word. Our Part: Hear and learn God's Word- BIBLE-Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, Have Faith- saving faith is what you should have-Saving Faith- conviction and trust in Jesus that makes you want to obey God, Repent, Obedience, Confession of Christ, Baptism, Faithfulness and Endurance- NOONE said that once you become a Christian it will be easy. It actually becomes harder but guess what we have the bigger reward and you have Christ that has your back! The last thing needed is Church Membership! You need other Christians to strengthen you up when you feel week.
I learned from my dream that my man wanted me to spend time with him and not just be a title. God wants us back in that same way! He wants more then just you to say John 3;16 he wants you to believe, act, and spend time with him. Build a relationship with Christ and spread the word so others can share in your joy!
I was like ok God what was that about? I took from it that God Salvation is free but like the Bible says you just saying that Jesus died on the cross and accepting Christ and the truth is NOT enough. It's like you just did it to get to Heaven but you must know God and obey his Word! God had a part in it and we have a part in it. Think on this God's part: Grace and Mercy, Jesus death at the cross, Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and God's Word. Our Part: Hear and learn God's Word- BIBLE-Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, Have Faith- saving faith is what you should have-Saving Faith- conviction and trust in Jesus that makes you want to obey God, Repent, Obedience, Confession of Christ, Baptism, Faithfulness and Endurance- NOONE said that once you become a Christian it will be easy. It actually becomes harder but guess what we have the bigger reward and you have Christ that has your back! The last thing needed is Church Membership! You need other Christians to strengthen you up when you feel week.
I learned from my dream that my man wanted me to spend time with him and not just be a title. God wants us back in that same way! He wants more then just you to say John 3;16 he wants you to believe, act, and spend time with him. Build a relationship with Christ and spread the word so others can share in your joy!
Feb 11, 2011
God is gooood! OK so I paid off my car. Yes this big hunker here! I know that I'm always preached to about if you tithe God will pay you back. I used to not have faith and would hold onto my money so tight when it came for titheing and offering lol. Soon enough I started to go into debt and I was like why not try God, and heres a concept, have faith in my increase that I would recieve from him. I'm not gonna lie it's hard letting that money go! There was times when all I had left of funds was the money I was supposed to tithe! When I set my mind to it I decided to go ahead and give it all to God, even when it was my last. Some might say that they don't tithe because churches use it to pay the Pastors or for the Pastors car payments ::small snicker::. I won't lie some churches this may be true but not in all. Regardless of the fact let God deal with them as long as you are obedient to God you will get your blessing!
Long story short, God has NEVER let me down! My truck is paid off in the states, my car is paid off here, and on top of that I may have a house already when I go home! Because of my faithfullness God has blessed me and continues to do so. It's all about being obedient and serving!
Now I can start saving money and setting up for me and my kids future successfully!
Long story short, God has NEVER let me down! My truck is paid off in the states, my car is paid off here, and on top of that I may have a house already when I go home! Because of my faithfullness God has blessed me and continues to do so. It's all about being obedient and serving!
Now I can start saving money and setting up for me and my kids future successfully!
Feb 10, 2011
The Explanation
Ok so I decided to do a blog and show the world how wonderful life, or the experience at least, is. It's just a look at my everyday life. Some things interesting some things not so much. I consider this a way of venting so that I won't get so mad everyday. A lil about me I'm a mother of 3 and currently stationed in Okinawa Japan. I'm in the Army do I like it, kinda, it pays the bills so I don't complain. I am into God and the church so a majority of these messages are going to be things I have learned and things God has shown me. I'm a very happy person and try to stay that way. As I said earlier I do get mad a lot but I never show it to people bc I don't want anyone getting the best of me. Well I guess this is all I have to say for now. Follow me on my adventure of Life...
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