Jan 20, 2013
The dating delimma of a single mommy
Jan 13, 2013
Sometimes people just want to talk...
So I'm sitting here on 24 hour duty and I'm realizing that sometimes people just want to talk...every person wants to say something or be heard. People walked in and out of the building and I would greet them with a hello, how are you, or a nod and maybe I'm just super approachable but they had lots to say. I'm just getting to this base so I guess maybe some of them felt that I needed to know all about the base, the people, the unit, etc. Well for me personally I don't care to hear it...Mean, maybe but true. I oblige them though because I realize some people just want to talk. Conversation first starts like this..."SGT Griffin do you like it here so far?" "Yea it's cool" I say. Then I get the eye roll and the look of :"you ain't gonna like it for long":.. Now let's break this down. 1) are you really caring if I like it here or is it just killing you inside to spill all the juicy gossip and news to me 2) I'm a nice person so when they initially approach me I am seeing if they actually care if I like the place with no background intentions but like I said some people just want to talk.
After I tell them what I think, which is positive always, they usually bounce back with a negative. Like I said really I shut up and listen BC I know they just want to talI, vent, and be heard...Out comes the gossip, back biting, negativity, and straight bull... I'm listening...listening...listening...and then I ask them "what is it that you are doing to change YOUR experience here." Now that question throws them off guard. The look of surprise and sheer death comes over their face...they are probably sitting there like "hunh?", "why is she asking that" in my mind I'm thinking of me and how I am... 1) I'm a positive person PERIOD 2) I feel life is what you make it, where you are is what you make it. And 3) what have you done wrong to not like this place ; but people like to talk so I shush and wait for an answer...waiting...waiting...still waiting...I get nothing...
The point I'm trying to make is people just want to talk. They all have motives it's either to drag you down, help you out (all though help usually is a positive thing they seen to do it negatively), or persuade you. Don't let people talking transform you and your opinion. Hold your ground and ask that confusing question that has them stiff in their seats. Most importantly remember sometimes people just want to talk... :-)