Mar 22, 2011
Japan :(
So here I am relaxing in my room thinking everything is all good. I look into some websites and realize posts of people talking about a horrible earthquake on Mainland. I am stationed on Okinawa but we are an island and Mainland is a few thousand miles away. People were on Facebook that I knew were in Tokyo talking about how they lost their husbands and wanted to know if other family members was ok. Tokyo definately felt the wrath but not as much as northern Japan. I soon here of the Tsunami that wiped out almost all of the norther part of Japan. The reality kicked in that this was serious! The earthquake was a 8.9 and truly devestated Japan. On top of this the nucleur power plant is leaking radiation like crazy.
Immediately I think OMG what if Okinwa were to have an earthquake and tsunami of this strength! Our island would be completely wiped us. My selfishness kicks in and I think whew glad it wasn't me. My assitant Pastor spoke on this on Sunday. One of the things he said is what kind of witness were we being for others. In that moment I realized that my relief of my life was devesating to those that lost. There was a story of an older gentleman that went back after the earthquake just to get a photo album of his grandkids and the tsunami hit. They found his body pressed in between two walls with the photo album pressed against his chest.
How selfish I had been. The world does not need my selfishness it needs my prayers. Let us remember that others are hurting. Am I happy God spared me, yes I am, but let me do what's right and Christian and offer a prayer up to those that lost their lives and those that were spared that are struggling to live day to day without a home and clean water.
You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.With a heavy heart I come to you with a prayer of peace for those that have lost loved ones in these horrible weeks. We know that you love your childrena and continue to cover us with that love. We know that these things were foretold, let us be good examples so that we can be in the right place in our Christian walks because we do not know when our time will come. Bless those who are out there right now helping aid the Japanese people. Give them strength for the things that they might see and strength to continue with the mission. Lord allow the people to remember that you too have lost a Son and know how it feels to lose and you are there experiencing this with us. We love you Lord and we know your will heal all wounds. Send the Holy Spirit to those hurting as a comforter.
This we pray in Jesus name Amen
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Hi Sissy that was an awesome prayer! I was sharing about how you were saying that the Japanese people seemed to be handling things well. I really can not fathom how much desolation there is there. One day I was praying for those in Japan and the Lord asked me "Do you really care?" I was challenged because the Lord has dealt with me about being obedient. My obedience proves that I love God and that I am truly willing to be a servant. A lack of obedience can put me in the wrong place at the wrong time which could cost a life.
Candy eh I thought you hated that name lol. Yes the Lord has dealt with me on that too. He is amazing out He works... He spared me and all I could say was whew! Shame on me for being so selfish God's people need us everyday and we should not take for granted His will and our purpose on this earth! Please share my blog with others sis. I need some followers Ima look at yours today...
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